There is a lot of media talk about the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus from the Wuhan Province in China.
At this stage there are no confirmed or suspected cases in New Zealand and the risk of an outbreak is predicted low. However, in today’s highly mobile world; the risk of a case being imported is high.
The Ministry of Health is liaising with the World Health Organisation and providing daily updates on their website.
On the website you can find information about signs and symptoms, advice for travellers, how the disease spreads and self-isolation guidance.
There is also a hotline available to call if you have any concerns; 0800 611 116.
If you are visiting Greenwood Health at any stage and;
You have flu-like symptoms, a fever or acute respiratory illness?
Have been in Mainland China in the past 14 days?
Have been in close physical contact with someone with a suspected or confirmed case of Coronavirus?
Then we ask you follow the below guidelines;